5 Tools You Need To Start Your Podcast

Starting a podcast can be a challenge. It is difficult to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. However, a podcast can be incredibly rewarding and result in major growth for your company. To get it off the ground, you need to have goals for your podcast but you also need to know what tools to use when you undertake such a big project. We spoke with Tim Stone, host of the “Things I Learned Last Night” podcast and owner of Space Tim Media, and did a bit of digging of our own. From this, we came up with five things you need in your arsenal when starting a podcast.
1. Platforms
Where you upload your media is a decision you need to make in the planning process. Know which platforms your target audience is on. Do some research on their technographics to understand their preferences in the digital world. A few platforms to go ahead and start posting on are Spotify, Apple Music, and Youtube. Each of these sites already have a variety of people searching for their next favorite podcast and with the right marketing and direction they could find yours.
>When it comes to social media, this is where the technographics really come in handy. Research your demographics and be able to identify exactly which social media platforms your audience uses. Are they more active on Instagram, Facebook or X? Find your podcasts best option and become well acquainted with how it works and the voice you want to use on it.
Another platform, that may seem a bit obvious but is still vital, is your podcasts website. This is the face of your brand and what your audience will be linked to on all of your other platforms. Your website should be visually appealing and reflect the content of your podcast and company. If your audience can’t tell what you do or why you do it, then maybe rethink the way your website is designed.
Lastly, a great way to promote the content of your podcast is to start a blog. This may be one of the most daunting aspects for some people. It can even be more intimidating than starting the podcast itself. However, don’t be nervous to take it on. Take it slow and write one article per episode. Maybe base it off of the episode topic. If you aren’t comfortable putting words on paper try outsourcing articles to people who are. This will give your podcast a competitive edge and put you a step above the rest.
2. Editing Software
Another vital tool you need is editing software. This may be the most important internal tool, second only to the actual content of the podcast. Having a well-kept and well-edited podcast reflects on your brand and provides your audience with a measure of the professionalism they will receive when working with you.
With that in mind one of our favorite editing options is Adobe Audition. This software has all of the aspects you need to have good sound quality and it comes with a seven day free trial to test the program.
Audacity is known as the world’s most popular editing tool and comes complete with easy cross-platform navigation, and an easy-to-use design. This program is one of our favorites and is a great option for beginners in the podcast industry.
Another option is Logic Pro. This software is an Apple product and works well for Mac users. It has all of the professional aspects an at-home recording studio should possess and enables you to try something new while still keeping your podcast up to par.
3. Marketing
How you choose to market your podcast will have a big impact on how well it will do. If your audience doesn’t know who you are or where to find you, they won’t be able to give your podcast a try. However, if you can pull out all the stops and make marketing a priority for your podcast, this will help direct traffic to your platforms and create a larger audience. So what is the best way to go about marketing?
We could write books on how to market your brand, but to save you some time, here are a few easy tips that you can implement right now!
Be aware of what your thumbnails are on each video. A thumbnail is the image you first see when a video pops up. It is the first visual hook your audience will notice when looking at your video podcast. To create an engaging thumbnail. Choose either the most visually appealing still from your video or edit a photo that will draw your audience in.
Another good marketing tool is a newsletter. This can keep your audience up to date and, if it is well put together, can be a great way to draw attention to your podcast. To have an attractive newsletter, start with designing a letterhead. Include your brand's logo and keep it recognizable. Make sure to keep the content of the letter informative and helpful. You never want your readers to come away feeling uninformed or bored with what they read.
Speaking of keeping people engaged, here’s a tip for the editing process. Always keep marketing in mind when editing. Just like you must pay attention to the thumbnail of your video, also pay attention to the intro on your podcast. If you are an avid podcast listener, you may have noticed that the most professional, and listened to podcasts also have some of the best introductions. The intro can help set the tone for your audience and tell them how they are meant to feel about your content. Never lose sight of how you want to be perceived.
Write To Engage
Blogging, newsletters, comment sections, oh my! Writing can be a challenge for many new podcasters, and even some with years of experience. But don’t worry! You can do it. If outsourcing writing is not an option for you, that's alright. We have a few tips on how to keep your writing engaging and professional, even when it's not your strong suit.
When you write, always run your articles, blogs or newsletters through a grammar editing software. Grammarly is a classic option that always helps, but there are other free sites out there as well that can elevate your written content to the next level.
Utilize free resources such as HubSpot’s certification programs, to learn all of the insider tips and tricks when it comes to optimizing your SEO or repurposing your already published content.
There is another aspect of writing though that also needs our attention. Comments from your listeners can be a big part of your marketing and outreach to the community you are trying to build around your podcast. When you respond to negative comments that cast an unfavorable light on your brand, it can shift the way people view your podcast. In order to keep things professional and shift the narrative, remember a few things. First, use sarcasm sparingly. This is a tactic that you see a lot of established brands shifting towards, especially on social media. It can be a good thing but you need to have a grasp on the general feel of your brand as well as the atmosphere of the platform you are using when responding sarcastically. Additionally, always keep in mind that when you are replying to comments you are replying for the world to see, not just to the individual person. Remembering this can change the way you would reply to a comment.
Marketing is a big part of promoting your podcast but, there are other ways to promote it as well that can get your podcast up and running in no time!
SEO, otherwise known as search engine optimization, is one of the most important examples of this. SEO is the process of analyzing a website's content relevance, how popular its links are and other aspects, in order to make the site easier to find. After you analyze your site, make the changes necessary to boost it to the number one spot on search engines. To discover what to look for while performing SEO, take a look at this SEO starter guide from Google.
Another great way to promote your podcast is social media. This may seem like a given, but you would be surprised how many podcasts and brands skip over this side of promotion, or at least forget to give it the importance it deserves. Posting teaser clips in the form of reels or tiktoks can be a fantastic option for drumming up interest in your latest episode before you even post it. Additionally, posting a new square to your instagram or a tweet on X, can be a great way to create interest before your episode comes out. Social media is the best way in our modern environment to interact with your fan base and therefore deserves a spot on our list of the tools you need.
Starting a podcast can be a challenge. Knowing the ins and outs of what you need to begin is one of the hardest parts. But, we’re here to help! Connect with us on our Instagram and give our podcast a listen so that your podcast and brand can be as successful as possible!